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Social Media Marketing for Japan

Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo...

  The actual sites and applications may change, but Social Media has become a permanent part of our daily lives, with a few big players firmly fixed into our routines. In fact, for many people, checking Facebook is the first thing they do upon waking up and the last thing they do before going to sleep.

Engage with your customers

Engage with your customers

Whether or not you are "on social media", your customers are. So your business needs to be there as well.

Does that mean you should run out now and open up a Facebook and Twitter account? Not necessarily.

But it would serve you well to figure out a strategy based around the platforms that YOUR customers are using.

But which Social Media platforms should my business use?

The most widely-used social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Your strategy only needs to include the platforms most used by your target customers or your specific objectives. For example, a local restaurant would have less of a need to leverage LinkedIn than a professional agency. However, Instagram would likely offer a better forum for the restaurant than the agency.

Social Media Marketing Channels
Social Media Engagement - Likes

Don't just sell, sell, sell

Don't make it all about you and your products or services. In addition to promotional posts, also post content that educates, motivates, and engages your followers, and (when appropriate) is fun.

Develop an plan and be consistent

WSI can help you develop a sound Social Media strategy and help with creating and designing content. We can even publish it for you, leaving you free to take care of the other aspects of your business.

developing a social media plan

Let's talk about a Social Media Plan for your business!

The Power of the WSI Network

WSI is the largest digital marketing network of its kind. We have partners and clients in every corner of the world. We have the passion and the experience to help any business do better marketing – no matter where they are.
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